Prof. Dr. Pablo Rando Casermeiro wurde im Rahmen seines Besuches als Gastwissenschaftler am ITM von August bis Oktober 2014 zu einem geschätzten Teil des Forschungszentrums. Der als Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology an der Universität von Sevilla tätige Rechtswissenschaftler bereicherte das Institut insbesondere mit seiner kriminalwissenschaftlichen Perspektive auf das Themenfeld des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, u.a. durch einen Vortrag zu „Current criminal policy trends in IP-protection“. Während seines Aufenthaltes führte er zudem vielseitige Forschungsprojekte durch, die seiner fachlichen Konzentration auf aktuellste Fragen zur Kriminalisierung, Gesetzgebung und strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von Verstößen gegen das Immaterialgüterrecht entsprachen. In enger Kollaboration mit Prof. Dr. Hoeren entstand zudem ein im Dezember 2014 in der GRUR-Prax veröffentlichter Fachartikel zum „Right to be forgotten“, der sich mit einem aktuellen Urteil des Landgerichts Barcelonas zur Thematik beschäftigte. Prof. Dr. Pablo Rando Casermeiro gilt als international und europaweit geschätzter Experte auf dem Gebiet und ist daher als Wissenschaftler an verschiedensten Universitäten, u.a. in Mainz, Freiburg und an der University of Cambridge, zu Gast gewesen.
Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology
Departamento de Derecho Penal y Procesal.
Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Sevilla.
C/Enramadilla, 18-20. 41018.
Sevilla. Spain.
-PhD in Criminal Law. University of Malaga (2009).
Dissertation: “The Distinction between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions. A Criminal Policy Approach.”
-University Degree in Law. University of Malaga (1999).
-University Expert in Crime and Public Security. Andalusian Institute of Criminology. Malaga.
–Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology (2013-). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Double Degree in Law and Public Management and Administration: International Criminal Law; Degree in Criminology: Institutions of Penal Control System, Crime Prevention; Degree in Law: Criminal Law. General Section; Master of Advocacy: Criminal Procedural Law Practice, Criminal Law Practice; Longlife Learning Center’s Course for Private Investigators: Criminology.
–Ph. D. Assistant Professor in Criminal Law (2010-2013). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Degree in Law: Criminal Law I; Criminal Law II; Criminal Law III; International Criminal Law; Degree in Criminology: Institutions of Penal Control System; Crime Prevention; Bachelor in Public Administration: Criminal Law of Public Administration.
–Assistant Professor in Criminal Law (from 2005 to 2010). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Degree in Law: Criminal Law I; Criminal Law II; Bachelor in Public Administration: Criminal Law Of Public Administration.
-Professor-Researcher in the Andalusian Institute of Criminology from 2001 to 2008. University of Malaga.
Grants and Stays
-Researching Grant from University of Seville. Visitor to the Faculty of Law. University of Cambridge. 10th July-31st October 2011.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. November 2004/July 2005. University of Granada. Law School. Department of Criminal Law.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. June 2000/June 2004. University of Malaga. Law School. Department of Criminal Law.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. July 2003/October 2003. Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law & Comparative Law Institute. Albert-Ludwig University. Freiburg. Germany.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. July 2002/October 2002. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. Johannes Gutenberg University. Mainz. Germany.
-Collaboration Grant for Students from Spanish Government. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. September 1998-June 1999.
Research Projects
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “The Evolution of Western Criminal Justice Policy in a World of Progressive Social Exclusion”. 2013 to present. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “Community Safety Approach of Criminal Policy: Slants, Indicators and International Spreading”. January 2010-December 2012. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “The Law and Order Approach as Inspiring Criteria for Criminal Justice Policy”. (SEJ2006-07242/JURI). December 2006-December 2009. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “Theory and Practice in Criminal Law Making” January 2003-December 2006. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education.
-Researcher for University of Granada: “Criminal Law and immigration” (BJU 2001-3058). June 2001-June 2005. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: „Illicit Practices in the Construction Industry: vulnerability to organized crime and corrupt agents in urban construction and planning” (2001/FAL/168). February 2002-June 2003. Funding: European Union. Falcone Program.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: „Irregular Practices in Public Administration: Some Criminological and Criminal Law Aspects on Public Officials Corruption„. (PB98-1400) December 1999-December 2002. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (DGYCIT).
PUBLICATIONS (in Spanish, unless indicated otherwise)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Penalties in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”, in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “International Criminal Law”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2013. (pp. 139-150)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “The Prosecutor vs. Lubanga. Analysis of the First Case before the International Criminal Court”, in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel and others: “International Criminal Law”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2013. (pp. 265-290)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Punitive Power of State and Sanctioning Power Of Public Administration” in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2012. (pp. 43-64)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration and Disciplinary Power of Public Administration” in Polaino Navarrete, et al.: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2012. (pp. 65-85)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Intellectual & Industrial Property Offences” in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “Lessons of Criminal Law. Special Section. Volume II”, Tecnos Publishing. Madrid. 2011. (pp. 145-164)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Offences Against Market and Consumers”, in in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “Lessons of Criminal Law. Special Section. Volume II”, Tecnos Publishing. Madrid. 2011. (pp. 165-188)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “The Distinction Between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions. A Criminal Policy Approach”, Tirant lo Blanch Publishing. Valencia. 2010 (pp. 1-557).
Referred Journal Publications
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “End-User Piracy as a Crime”. Cuadernos de Política Criminal 107. 2012 (pp. 223-269).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Law and Order Approach to Criminal Law in the Administrative Sanctioning System (English). Electronic Review of the International Association of Penal Law. REaDIP 2011/e-RIALP 2011 (pp. 1-17).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Criminal Model of Law-and-Order in Administrative Law Sanctions. InDret 1/2010 (pp. 1-27).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Evolution of the Relationship between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions in Spain during the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century. Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 12, 2003 (pp. 141-190).
PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS IN CONGRESS/SEMINARS (in Spanish unless indicated otherwise)
-“Globalization of USA Criminal Policy regarding Intellectual Property: A Case Study”. 14th Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Prague. 09/11/2014. (English)
-“Harm Principle in Copyright Offences”. II Seminar about Criminal Law-Making Evaluation. University of Castilla la Mancha. Ciudad Real. 06/30/2014.
-“Ne bis in idem Principle in Urban Offences”. Bar Association of Malaga. Spain. 01/23/2014.
-“Globalization of Legal Remedies and Penalties Against On-line Piracy”. Seminar of the Interuniversitarian Andalusian Institute of Criminology. Sevilla Division. Faculty of Law. University of Seville. 01/14/2014.
-“Lobbies involvement in Criminal Law-Making about Intellectual Property”. I Seminar about Criminal Law-Making Evaluation. University of Castilla la Mancha. Ciudad Real. 12/07/2013.
-“Globalization of American Criminal Justice Policy concerning Copyright Crimes: Special Reference to End-user Piracy”. III International Congress of Young Researches in Criminal Law. University of Salamanca. Salamanca. 06/18/2013.
-“Planning Breach: a Case Law Analysis”. Criminal Law Conference. Bar Association of Malaga. Spain. 04/29/2010.
-“The Criminal Model of Law and Order in Administrative Law Sanctions”. I International Congress of Young Researchers in Criminal Law. University of Salamanca. Spain. 10/27/2009.
-Member of the Working Group on Criminal Law Making Policy of the European Society of Criminology (since 2014).
-Member of the Research Group “Criminal Law (SEJ116). University of Malaga (since 2013).
-Member of the Research Group “Criminology and Criminal Law” (SEJ307). University of Seville (from 2007 to 2013).
-Invited Speaker at the Master: “Criminal Law and Criminal Policy”. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. February 2011; March 2012; March 2013; March 2014.
-Invited Speaker at the Master: “Zoning and Town Planning”. Department of Administrative Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. March 2011.
Invited Speaker at the Master: “Zoning and Town Planning”. Department of Administrative Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. February 2010.
-Participation in the Congress: “Principles and Constitutional Rights in the Criminal Law of the European Union”. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law. School of Law. University of Seville. November 2007.