> Exhibition Beautiful Japan opened in Vienna

The photo exhibition Beautiful Japan was opened in Vienna on Wednesday (September 26). The exhibition features people from Itoshima with mental disabilities who are engaged in artistic activities. in Japan, dealing with such people is still dominated by prejudice and fear. This is different in Muka, a parent initiative in Itoshima, where people with mental disabilities can experience and learn all forms of arts and crafts and fine arts.

The exhibition opened Wednesday at the Werd:Art Gallery in Vienna. First, there was a wide-ranging panel discussion with students from the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, which also addressed the issues of privacy and name protection for people with disabilities. In the afternoon there was the ceremonial opening, with the head of the district, representatives of science and art as well as a colorful circle of local visitors. The exhibition can be seen until November 17 (Im Werd 19, 1020 Vienna).