> Alumni coming back to ITM

At the invitation of the Association for the Promotion of the Civil Law Department of the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law, this year’s alumni meeting took place on 05.11.2022 on the premises of the Institute.

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren first gave an overview of the current developments within the Institute. This was followed by exciting presentations by both current staff members about their work at the Institute and former staff members, covering a wide range of topics.

Johanna Voget and Johannes Müller spoke about the current work within the DFN Association. Marie-Therese Wirtz also reported on the interesting development of the Art Law Clinic, which has been in existence since 2018 and is currently also aligning itself internationally. The interdisciplinary project has been very well received by art students and is enjoying widespread popularity. Justin Rennert gave an informative insight into the current state of media regulation at EU level, which was followed with great interest by the audience.

This was followed by an exciting lecture by Dr Bernard A. Karikari on his function as Head of Corp. Data Protection at Mercedes-Benz. The series of lectures was successfully concluded by Dr. Berthold Hilderink, Head of Employment Legal at UBS Europe SE, who spoke on the question of employee data protection and data protection as a compliance measure.

A subsequent lunch snack offered the opportunity for a broad exchange with current and former employees. During the afternoon programme, the participants then devoted themselves to the history of Münster during a visit to the city museum and were able to learn many an exciting detail about the past of the supposedly so familiar city. The day ended with apple pie and plum crumble at Café Lux, where they exchanged experiences and anecdotes about their time at the ITM.