> Expert Talk of the GOAL Project with Nadezhda Purtova

On 18.02.2021, the third internal expert talk took place with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadezda Purtova. Ms. Purtova is an Associate Professor at the Department of Law, Technology, Markets and Society at Tilburg University. Her research focuses on the economic analysis of data protection law and she has conducted several policy studies on data protection that dealt with the role of private actors in setting data protection rules.

Ms. Purtova gave a very captivating presentation on the topic of “Code as personal data”. After she put forward the thesis that the notion of personal data in the sense of Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR would encompass certain types of codes, she showed what the consequences of this would be and how to deal with them.

Following the presentation, Ms. Purtova and the project partners had a lively discussion about the individual proposals. In the process, it was determined that code should not be examined solely against the background of the GDPR, but rather that a comprehensive AI regulatory approach should be developed. Hanna Hoffmann (research assistant ITM-GOAL) moderated the event.