> Expertise ChatGPT and universities published

A comprehensive legal assessment of the fundamental legal issues surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based writing tools at universities has been presented by the KI:edu.nrw project team of the Ruhr University Bochum led by Dr. Peter Salden in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren of the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster (WWU). Among other things, the paper clarifies that software cannot have authorship over a text. Students who use the tool, however, can if they contribute a considerable amount of their own intellectual work to the texts – a difficult question that must be decided in each individual case. The expert report was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and is available online.

A related RUB press release can be found here: https://news.rub.de/presseinformationen/wissenschaft/2023-03-08-gutachten-ein-verbot-von-ki-schreibtools-hochschulen-ergibt-keinen-sinn

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