Employee data protection makes new headlines almost daily. Be it problems with the recording of working hours, the right to information or simply the requirements for the processing of employee data. Because the range of topics is so extensive, the Legal Research Unit at DFN is presenting a double series on the current status of employee data protection.
The first part of the double series deals with the questions referred to the ECJ by the Wiesbaden Administrative Court. The case essentially revolves around the applicability of a data protection permission standard from Hesse, which in this specific case is supposed to justify the use of video conferencing software at schools without the consent of the teaching staff. The VG Wiesbaden is of the opinion that the paragraph does not meet the requirements of the corresponding opening clause from the GDPR and therefore may not be used.
Research associates Nicolas John and Owen Mc Grath discuss the legal aspects of the questions referred and discuss the recent submissions of the Advocate General.
The DFN-Infobrief Recht 10/2022 mentioned in the podcast can be found here. Der zweite Teil der Doppelfolge erscheint am 9.11.2022.